11 Fine Motor Activities for Kids [with Milestones]

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, fostering essential life skills in children has never been more crucial. Among these skills, fine motor abilities stand out for their significant role in a child’s overall development. “Fine Motor Activities for Kids” is a comprehensive guide designed to empower parents, educators, and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to nurture these skills in young learners effectively. With over 11 creative and educational activities, this article delves into the heart of fine motor skills—what they are, why they’re important, and how they can be developed through engaging and age-appropriate activities.

What are Fine Motor Skills in Kids?

Fine motor skills is the ability to move using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. Kids use these skills to perform important tasks in school and daily life, from holding a pencil to zipping a coat, cutting, writing, opening water bottles, and tying shoes. These skills are vital for self-sufficiency because strengthening these skills can lead to success in school and greater confidence in various settings.

Top 11 Fine Motor Activities for Children

Before diving into the specific activities, it’s beneficial to recognize the diversity of tasks that can stimulate and develop a child’s fine motor skills. Here’s a quick list of 11 fine motor activities.

1. Thread Small Objects Onto a String

Threading beads, buttons, pasta, cereal, or other small objects onto a string, shoelace, pipe cleaner, or straw is a great activity for developing fine motor skills for 3-4 year olds. You can make it more interesting and challenging by using objects of different shapes, sizes, and colors. This activity helps your child improve their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and fine motor control.

Top 12 Fine Motor Activities for Kids
Top 12 Fine Motor Activities for Kids

2. Fill and Reuse Ziploc Bags

Ziploc bags are reusable and versatile and can be used for many fine motor activities for children. You can fill them with different materials such as sand, water, paint, or glitter and then seal them tightly. Your child can then squeeze, press, or manipulate the bags differently, such as by drawing shapes, letters, or numbers with their fingers. This activity helps your child enhance their hand strength, sensory awareness, and fine motor control.

3. Using Tape

Tape is another simple and fun material that can be used for fine motor games for kids. You can use different types of tape, such as masking and duct, and stick them on different surfaces, such as paper, cardboard, or plastic. Alternatively, you can use the tape to create shapes or letters on a flat surface. This activity is an excellent way to improve your child’s finger strength, precision, and fine motor control.

4. Playing Around with Lids and Containers

Engage your child in an easy and fun fine motor activity by letting them play with lids and containers. All you need to do is save the empty containers and cans you have lying around the house. You can use a variety of containers, such as jars, boxes, cans, and bottles, and let your child experiment with placing and removing the lids like:

  • Wipe’s container
  • Peanut butter jar
  • Pouch container
  • Puffs container
  • Water bottle
  • Pringles can
  • Coffee can
  • Formula can
  • Condiment containers
  • Milk jugs
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Gum containers
  • Oatmeal can
  • Tupperware

These simple activities can help improve your child’s motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Encourage your child to explore how to open and close different containers using their fingers through lifting, twisting, and pushing.

5. Play The Fishing Game

Create a fishing game to boost your child’s fine motor skills by tying a magnet-tipped string to a stick. Cut out and decorate paper or cardboard fish with paper clips attached. As your child uses the rod to catch these magnetized fish, they’ll sharpen their hand-eye coordination and fine motor precision.

6. Exercises With Hand Aerobics

Hand aerobics improves the flexibility and strength of their hands and fingers, crucial for kids in the 3-4 and 5-6 year age groups. You can use different props, such as balls, balloons, rubber bands, or gloves, to make the exercises more fun and challenging. Some examples of hand aerobics are:

  • Squeezing a ball or a balloon with one hand or both hands
  • Stretching a rubber band with one hand or both hands
  • Making a fist and then opening the hand
  • Bringing each finger up to the thumb
  • Spreading and then bringing the fingertips together
  • Waving the hand up and down or side to side
  • Clapping or snapping one’s fingers

7. Football With Your Fingers

Finger football boosts children’s finger agility and eye-hand coordination. Create the ball by folding paper into a triangle and setting up a goalpost with a ruler or stick. Kids flick the paper ball towards the goal, with the option to increase difficulty by introducing obstacles and altering the goal’s position.

Football With Your Fingers
Football With Your Fingers

8. Play With Playdough Activities

Playdough is a versatile tool that can be used to enhance a child’s fine motor skills. Here are some activities to give a try:

  1. Snake Pinch: Have the child roll out the playdough into a snake-like shape. They can then pinch along the snake’s length using their thumb and index finger, progressing down to their thumb and little finger, which helps to improve pinch strength for kids.
  2. Finger Squeeze: Ask the child to roll out 3 small playdough balls and place them between their fingers. They can then slowly bring their fingers together, squeezing the playdough between the fingers. This activity helps to strengthen the muscles in their fingers.
  3. Letter Formation: Roll out a long sausage of playdough and ask the child to form the letters of their name. They can then trace their finger over the letter with their eyes open and then eyes closed. This activity helps improve their fine motor skills and aids in letter recognition and sensory perception.

9. Having Peg Races

“Peg Races” is an interactive game that boosts children’s fine motor skills, color recognition, sequence order, and listening skills. Initially, children race to match large pegs to a similarly colored large board. As they master this, they progress to a smaller board with smaller pegs for increased difficulty. To enhance the challenge, combine colors and peg placements.

10. Using Clothes Pegs

Clothes pegs can develop children’s fine motor skills and body awareness. Kids attach pegs to different clothing parts, enhancing dexterity and recognition. Introduce complex instructions like clipping colored pegs to specific sides for a fun challenge that improves listening skills and color and positional awareness.

11. Incorporate activities with Nuts & Bolts

Nuts and bolts activities are an excellent way to enhance a child’s fine motor skills. These activities involve using hardware items like nuts and bolts, which the child can thread together. Here’s how you can incorporate this activity:

  1. Speed Threading: Ask the child to screw the nuts onto a large bolt as quickly as possible. Ensure that each nut is screwed as far up the bolt as possible before beginning with the next one. This activity helps improve their hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
  2. Size Variation: Once the child is confident using the large nuts and bolts, they can try using smaller bolts, washers, and nuts. This adds an extra level of difficulty and helps further improve their fine motor skills.

It’s important to make activities fun and engaging for children while challenging their skills. Always supervise to ensure safety and prevent accidents.

Fine Motor Skill Considerations For 5 to 12-Month Kids

During this stage, babies develop the ability to coordinate their sight with hand movements. They learn to grasp objects, transfer them from one hand to the other, and eventually develop the pincer grip, the coordination of the index finger and thumb to hold an item.

  • Transfers objects between 5.5 and 7 months old
  • Manipulates toy actively with wrist movements between 6 and 8 months old
  • Removes pegs from pegboard between 8.5 and 12 months old
  • Takes objects out of a container between 9 and 11 months old

Fine Motor Skill Considerations For 12 To 24-month Kids

Toddlers at this age develop more precise fine motor skills – using tools like crayons and building block towers. They also show a preference for one hand and are able to turn book pages. Here are our recommendations:

  • Puts three or more objects into a container between 12 and 13 months old
  • Place one round peg in a pegboard between 12 and 15 months old
  • Puts many objects into a container without removing any between 14 and 15 months old
  • Place two shapes in a shape sorter between 15 and 18 months old
  • Between the ages of 16 and 19 months, hang six circular pegs on a pegboard
  • Place all shapes in the shape sorter between 19 and 24 months.
Milestones Related to Fine Motor Skills for 12 to 24-month Kids
Milestones Related to Fine Motor Skills for 12 to 24-month Kids


Developing fine motor skills is critical to child growth and affects their ability to navigate their world effectively. Incorporating fine motor activities for kids into daily routines can be fun and enriching, supporting kids in achieving their developmental milestones. Observing and facilitating the progressive challenges of these activities can ensure children develop the skills necessary for their academic journey and beyond. Learn more about our magical Early Childhood Centre at UNIS Hanoi.


  • Lesley Gibson. (2007). Fine Motor Activity Kit. Retrieved from Specialist Children’s Services: https://www.nhsggc.org.uk/media/272430/fine-motor-activity-kit.pdf
  • Caitlyn Janeda. (2021). Fine Motor Skills. Retrieved from Doctoral Capstone Project for Slippery Rock University’s Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program: https://accessabilities.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Fine-Motor-Skills.pdf

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UNIS Communication Team
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